Freedom to RISE Just another WordPress site Tue, 19 Jan 2021 19:17:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cashflow – Financial Freedom Wed, 27 Jul 2016 00:27:23 +0000 What’s your plan to escape the “rat race”? For many years, escaping was not at the front of my mind as I worked a job. If you are very comfortable and money is great, then you don’t think about what could be or that things could change. On the flip side, if you are not Read more »

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What’s your plan to escape the “rat race”?

For many years, escaping was not at the front of my mind as I worked a job. If you are very comfortable and money is great, then you don’t think about what could be or that things could change. On the flip side, if you are not comfortable and money isn’t great, you may think that getting another job is the answer. You have to think about it, that if one job doesn’t work, then how will a second one work. Getting jobs is a temporary fix that has a lasting impact on other parts of your life, mental stress, physical stress, and emotional stress because you don’t have much time to enjoy the benefits of your labor. You may need it to survive today, but what are you putting in place to help create relief tomorrow.

In the book, Cashflow Quadrant, by Robert Kiyosaki, he talks about 4 categories that we fit in:
Self-employed/Small business
Big Business

Think about where you are today. Which category do you fit in? Where do you want to be?

Watch this video and decide where you are versus where you want to be.

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SMART Goal Setting Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:58:55 +0000 Do you wish for things to happen for you or do you make things happen? In order for things to happen that you want, you must take action. But not blind action. You must set goals. Goal setting is a way to help you accomplish things that you want to achieve. Writing your goals has Read more »

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Do you wish for things to happen for you or do you make things happen?

In order for things to happen that you want, you must take action. But not blind action. You must set goals.

Goal setting is a way to help you accomplish things that you want to achieve. Writing your goals has been said will help you accomplish them more times than not writing them.

In addition to writing them, you must keep them in front of you. Writing them is great but if you never look at them then you will continue to find yourself working with no direction. Some people keep them on their homescreen, in their wallet, on the mirror, or on their phone. You decide what’s best for you.

Just be sure that your goals are SMART:


Watch this video as I give examples of this.

Do What You Love…Full Time (I’ll Teach You How!)

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The post SMART Goal Setting appeared first on Freedom to RISE.

Hello world! Tue, 12 Apr 2016 20:42:15 +0000 Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

The post Hello world! appeared first on Freedom to RISE.

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

The post Hello world! appeared first on Freedom to RISE.
